Farm in Touril, Vila Cã Pombal Farm with a total area of 31,165sqm is located in Touril, Vila Cã, about 8 km from Pombal, in the district of Leiria. This property consists of 2.7 hectares of olive groves, with about 600 olive trees, which generate an annual production of olive oil about 2000 litres, certified and with a registered trademark in the market. In the farm's warehouses there is the Olive Oil Mill with all the necessary equipment for the preparation and conservation of olive oil, from stainless steel tanks with adjustable temperature for its manufacture, as well as a warehouse with temperature control for its conservation The olive grove was planted in 2008, Cobrançosa and Galega were the olive trees chosen, and it is equipped with a drip irrigation system for the olive trees and fruit trees...